Tuesday, March 10, 2015

[Diary]: Last Event in Khanong Phra

Hello! As you may know that I'm going to change job, pretty much soon! It was really my last trip to Khanong Phra, I really had no idea when will be the next time I come and visit. No longer getting to know the different members from different countries!

However, I really make sure that I enjoy the event as much as possible! I have to bid goodbye to all the members. Started to feel like they are my friends!

These are pictures of this beautiful place! :)

Walking on the RWY 10 

Airport Control Tower - Small hut :) 

TBM900 touched down

SR22T approaching

All the group! 

Castle like dinner venue - Midwinter Green (used to be known The Smoke House) 

Beautiful sunset by the pool 

Classic Victorian Dinner Venue - Chez Sonia

Pre dinner networking - Chez Sonia 

Me with 2 beautiful Thai ladies 


Christmas like decoration :) 

Last dinner :) 

Farewell, Khanong Phra, Khao Yai. 'Till we meet again!


Sunday, March 8, 2015

[Diary]: Big Decision?

Intinya gue di offer kerjaan yang emang gue bener bener gak pernah nyangka sebelomnya. Out of blue, customer gue tiba-tiba telp ke hp gue terus asik nyerocos sendiri. Cut story short, dia offer gue kerjaan jadi PA, dll nya dia dengan bayaran 2-3x lipat more than SQ, bonus minimum 3.5 bulan. It was totally a good job offer, maybe once in a lifetime. But, I didn't feel right.

I prayed to God and ask my family and friends for inputs. Mum and dad were more supportive to the new job offer. But I didn't feel right. I asked my auntie, and she asked me back, which job that you prayed to God? Which one that you were led to? I told her it's SQ. Because in the beginning of everything I prayed, through every stages. I surrender all to His hand and yeah I get it.

Akhirnya setelah gue pikir baik-baik, gue decide untuk tetap  choose SQ. Karena ini memang sesuatu yang gue pilih dan yang mau gue lakukan. Gue bisa terima kerjaan yang ditawarin, tapi gue ga merasa "right". 1 sisi akhirnya, gue ditolak juga secara halus dan 1 sisi, gue juga yang nolak. Jadi we both in the same agreement.

Gue bersyukur banget bisa dikasih kesempatan ini, bahkan chance untuk ketemu boss nya dia juga. Dan gue juga bersyukur boss nya thoughtful banget, karena beliau lebih khawatir dengan career path gue. Daripada gue kerja tapi ujung-ujungnya sama kayak kerjaan sekarang, mending bener-bener udah di plan. Gue respect banget sama beliau.

Well, I always believe, what meant to be mine, God will open the way. What are not meant to be mine, He will close the way and lead me to the right way. I believe all God's plan are plan to bring good to myself and not harm. :)

Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

Hence, I always thankful that God gave me the sensitivity towards my feeling and consciousness where I believe that's how God speak to me.

Oh, S Pass gue uda di approved! Jadi sekarang tinggal nunggu last day and 7th April will be the flight to Singapore!


Thursday, March 5, 2015

[Review]: Sigma Beauty - Mr Bunny Travel Kit

Finally, I bought Sigma brushes! I've been really wanting it but just kept not buying it.. Until I saw there was a special 20% sale for visa holder at luxola.com! Quickly purchase it when the item only left 2!


Happy me with the new brush set :) 

Mr Bunny Travel Kit 

The bristle are so soft, oh man. Totally fall in love with this. I haven't tried the whole set yet, quite lot of stuffs that I haven't been tried and to write some nice review. Got lots of stuffs quite abandoned due to hectic work at the moment. :( 

I will have another post again to review this item! 
