Thursday, June 6, 2013

[Review] Liquid Eyeliner Dolly Wink vs Kiss Me Heroine Make

Today I want to share with you guys my favorite liquid eyeliners! The best part of these products are:
- It doesn't leave any smudge
- Long lasting
- Easy to remove (using the make up remover)
- Easy to draw
- Sharp tip and long brush
- And all the things that can make your life easier and happier! :)

It's the Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner & Kiss Me Heroine Liquid Eyeliner! So I'm gonna spilled out what I like and dislike for both products! Currently I'm still using the Kiss Me Heroine as the Dolly Wink decided went dry few months back. 

Here's the Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner looks like. I don't have the picture of the packaging as I bought it some time back and I wasn't a person who super loves take picture :p 

Dolly Wink

This is the old design (I guess) because few days ago I just saw the latest packaging, which is in pink color with flower. No more polkadots. :(

I bought this eyeliner on last year September / October and it just recently the ink went dry (not that dry but it's kinda not comfortable to draw because the ink is not there). And actually I wear this eyeliner like everyday without fail (almost without fail) :D

I decided to buy different brand because I can't find the Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner (no idea why, but it seems quite a rare item... I went to different Watsons, but not all Watsons has this particular brand items). Weird huh?

So, actually I bought "Kiss Me" brand, Heroine Make... After few times apply it, I feel it's the same with Dolly Wink. With cheaper price. I bought it for SGD 19.00 (maybe additional few cents) and Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner is SGD 24.90.
Side by side - Dolly Wink vs Kiss Me Heroine 

Packaging with Candy Eyes 

 Product Details

My friend just told me few days ago that actually the eyeliner could be easily removed as she was accidentally rub on her eyes. So, my suggestion here, do not rub your eyes if you want to keep your make up long lasting! :)

Dolly Wink

Doesn't leave smudge, long-lasting, easy to draw, sharp tip & long brush. Dark ink. 

 Easily removed when you rubbed it. Eyeshadow sticks on the eyeliner (but you will still able to clean it). Only certains Watsons keeps the stocks. The ink kinda shiny once it's applied. 

SGD 24.90

4.5 out of 5

Kiss Me Heroine

I could say it has the same benefit as Dolly Wink. Price is cheaper than Dolly Wink. Easier to find in Watsons / Guardian. The ink is darker compare with Dolly Wink and not as shiny as Dolly Wink.

Cons Kiss Me Heroine:
easily removed when you rubbed it.

SGD 19.00 (maybe additional few cents) - for sure it's less than 20!

4.5 out of 5

Overall, I like both product. Because it really does the job very well.

Which one I will choose for future purchase? 
I could say both, depends on the urgency and availability.

And again, here's my picture for using the "Kiss Me" Heroine Make eyeliner!

One fine day when I'm otw to church :D 

There are few tips to compliment both of eyeliners:
1. Use based before you wear the eyeliner; e.g put eyeshadow (could be mono; nude or bright color or create smoky eyes look)
2. Try not to rub your eyes, touch yes, if you cried just dub it gently with tissue

I would like to add on as well, actually my skill to draw using the liquid eyeliner wasn't that good until I watched this video. I really recommend this video, it's very helpful and it really give the details how to draw your eyes properly.

All the information on the above are my based on my personal experience and preference.


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